
A little bite goes a long way: 94% would consider switching to Mikado as their new go-to biscuit after sampling

Photo of product
Jean Paul Gaultier

125% increase in leads versus forecast.


average cost per lead (94% lower than forecast)


had already * or planned to buy the biscuits within the next six months


would consider switching to Mikado as their new go-to biscuit

Mikado, a part of Mondelēz, wanted to reignite interest in their Milk Chocolate Biscuits among a younger audience demographic.

While competitors poured millions into more traditional advertising channels like TV and print, Mikado sought a fresher and more efficient approach to cut through the noise and engage their ideal target audience.

Enter SoPost’s strategic digital sampling…

We collaborated on a digital sampling campaign on Instagram, Facebook, and through our SoPost-owned community, productsamples.com, offering targeted and qualified 25-35 year olds a sample of Mikado’s Milk Chocolate Biscuits.

We then took them through a fully branded sampling experience to collect marketing opt-ins, feedback and reviews and drive post-trial sales.


A little bite goes a long way! By shifting to strategic digital sampling, Mikado not only generated a substantial lead volume at a fraction of the expected cost, but they also boosted consumer engagement and gained invaluable consumer insights.

Let’s “crunch” some numbers…

The campaign blew past expectations, raking in more than double (+125%) the anticipated number of leads while spending just 14% of Mikado’s entire media budget.

The average cost per lead? £0.13, an incredible 94% lower than forecast and the lowest across ALL Mondelēz brand campaigns in 2023. Talk about efficient lead generation!



lower cost per lead versus forecast

Campaign engagement was also at an all-time high, with marketing opt-in rates 17% higher than the UK food and beverage average, arming Mikado with thousands of new contacts to remarket future offers to.

And what about consumer feedback? Overwhelmingly positive.

94% would consider switching to Mikado as their new go-to biscuit and 43% had already bought the biscuits within just two weeks of sampling (and counting!), with an additional 55% likely to buy in the next six months.

Using our AI Review Summaries, we also uncovered key insights. Consumers loved the rich chocolate flavor, perfect crunch and convenience of the packaging, making it a great on-the-go treat.

Their only gripe? They’re too easy to gobble up in one go – something we certainly agree on!

* within two weeks of sampling