Digital sampling

How to prioritize sustainable sampling in 2024 and beyond

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Emma Hardy
Sustainable product sampling
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Greenwashing won’t cut it anymore. Savvy consumers and increasing pressure on brands demand real sustainable initiatives across all operations, from ESG goals to everyday practices.

At first glance, product sampling may not seem sustainable, but it remains an indispensable tactic for marketers. 89% of consumers prefer to try, smell and taste products before committing to a purchase, and sampling allows consumers to trial a smaller version of your product, keeping product wastage to a minimum should the product not be right for them. 

Imagine buying a full-size product only to have it go unused because it wasn’t quite right for you or you just didn’t enjoy it. Sampling reduces the risk of unwanted products ending up in landfill - a win for both the consumer and the brand.

And the reality is that product sampling works. 78% of consumers who sample a product end up purchasing it. So, with both sampling and sustainability being hot on the agenda for marketers, how can brands ensure they’re ticking both off in 2024 and beyond?

Digital sampling is already more sustainable 

We all know that digital sampling is already inherently more sustainable than traditional methods. You can target more intelligently to reach your ideal audience and integrate features that make your sampling strategy more efficient, in turn significantly reducing product wastage. 

Smarter, greener sampling solutions

In 2024, brands need to sample smarter than ever before, be it through strategic partnerships, smart tactics or cutting-edge technology. So, where do you start? Here are some ways our brands use SoPost for sustainable product sampling:

Strategic partnerships

As mentioned, we know online sampling allows you to really hone in on your ideal target audience. At SoPost, we take that one step further, integrating wherever you need us and collaborating with the right media partners to reach your perfect audience – be it through publishers, retailers, online communities and more.  

For example, launching new coffee pods? We could partner with a number of online communities with a dedicated fan base of coffee enthusiasts just waiting to try your product! Or leverage retail data to target consumers who have the right coffee machine model ready and waiting at home.

Targeting the perfect audience = more product in the hands of relevant consumers and less product going into landfill. 

Qualifying questions 

You’ve reached the right audience in the perfect environment. But before sending them a sample, you still need to ensure they’re the right fit for your specific product. 

That way, your samples only go to those who will use and value them, further reducing any product waste and hitting those sustainable sampling goals. 

Let’s say you’re launching a high-end luxury fragrance. Before sending a sample, you can use SoPost’s customizable qualifying questions to determine whether a consumer is willing to pay a higher price tag for a fragrance.

qualifying questions

Virtual try-on

What about beauty products like foundations and lipsticks? 

Finding the right shade can be notoriously difficult, often requiring consumers to buy and try multiple products before discovering their perfect match.

Virtual try-on eliminates the guesswork, allowing consumers to find their perfect shade without leaving their screens. This leads to a better product match and ultimately, less product wastage. 

In fact, at SoPost, we’ve seen a 27% boost in shade-matching accuracy and a 57% increase in post-trial purchases with campaigns using virtual try-on.

Intelligent Order Processing

SoPost’s Inteligent Order Processing technology automatically flags and filters low-quality sample requests, such as duplicate orders and unverified shipping addresses.

Not only does this ensure your samples only reach the hands of high-quality consumers, but it can also significantly reduce the number of samples you ship and the associated carbon emissions. 

As part of our recent collaboration with Benefit Cosmetics, our Intelligent Order Processing technology reduced carbon emissions by an estimated 84kg! (Savings calculated by SoPost and validated by an independent third party.)

Sustainable sampling at its finest. 

Payment integration

Not only can you sample sustainably, but sampling can actually help you operate more sustainably as a business. Are you updating your branding, tweaking your product formula or have full-size stock nearing expiry? Rather than sending these products to landfill, why not ship these to consumers? 

Using SoPost’s payment integration, you can even pass on the postage fees to the consumer – and insights from previous campaigns show us that they will be willing to pay this in return for a free full-size product. In addition to reducing waste, you’re also able to save big on fulfillment fees. A win for all involved! 

Sustainable sample fulfillment

Of course, product sampling wouldn’t be eco-friendly without sustainable sample fulfillment practices. Here are some tips for greener sample fulfillment

1. Use recyclable and upcycled materials and packaging.

This can be a straightforward way to enhance sustainability, as long as you choose the right partners. 

A great example of this is Elemis’ recent partnership with Xampla, turning leftover plant waste from their cosmetics ingredients into plastic-free, biodegradable sample sachets.

At SoPost, we prioritize sustainable fulfillment and have the credentials to prove it. For example, 99% of our UK packaging is sustainable, using recyclable materials and adhering to renowned environmental standards including World Land Trust, PEFC UK, Green Mark and FSC® UK.

We were also recently awarded a GOLD rating by EcoVadis for our commitment to sustainable practices, placing us in the top 5% of all participants.

2. Optimize shipping through in-country fulfillment and delivery.

Partner with suppliers who have a local fulfillment network in your target country to ensure efficient shipping, lower your carbon footprint and enhance the consumer experience with faster, more reliable deliveries by removing the cross-border risk.

At SoPost, we have a trusted network of partners in 20+ countries worldwide (and growing!) covering the UK, Europe, USA, Middle East and APAC.

3. Choose QR codes over printed leaflets.

Reduce paper waste and provide a more interactive experience. Plus, you can track consumer activity, so it’s a win-win!

4. Source sustainable services.

Sample fulfillment also offers a fantastic chance for sustainable service sourcing. At SoPost, we collaborate with fulfillment centers in the US, Australia, and the Nordic countries that employ people with disabilities or from disadvantaged or minority backgrounds.

Thinking about the bigger, greener picture

What happens after a consumer tries your sample? Ensuring the right person gets the right product increases the likelihood of them enjoying and buying your product, fostering loyalty.

Something Angharad Elfyn Jones, Senior E-Retail Partnerships at Shiseido emphasized during SoPost’s Sampling Summit earlier this year:

“Sustainability is a hot topic for all brands. It’s all about being sustainable with our packaging, not having any wastage and being really mindful about making sure the customer is engaging. 

“And what is the benefit once they get the sample? From a lifetime customer value point of view, if sampling has been key in their purchasing journey, that’s a sustainable way to drive that extra purchase.” 

"Sustainability is a hot topic for all brands. It’s all about being sustainable with our packaging, not having any wastage and being really mindful about making sure the customer is engaging.”

— Angharad Elfyn Jones, Shiseido

And of course, brands need to practice eco-conscious practices in every campaign aspect – from product development to supplier partnerships. Amelia Reynolds, Head of Brand at Matrix added:

“ESG goals are pillars within almost every brand now, but especially within Matrix - it’s a big part of our business.

“So we need to make sure that whatever we’re doing, we’re doing it in the most sustainable way possible, be that with partners, our manufacturing processes and our packaging.”

The long-term impact of sustainable product sampling

It's better for the environment. At the risk of stating the obvious, eco-conscious sampling is better for the environment. Less product waste and greener fulfillment practices mean less product going into landfills and a lower carbon footprint.

Enhanced brand image. Sustainable practices boost brand image and increase customer loyalty, as consumers increasingly prioritize greener products and brands. 

In fact, a joint report by McKinsey and Neilson IQ found that consumers are shifting their spending towards more sustainable products with ESG-related claims versus products without. A trend that Iona Murray, Customer Success Manager at SoPost, has also noticed:

"Sustainable products are driving market growth as consumers become more eco-conscious and brands face mounting pressure to go greener. At SoPost, we're passionate about helping brands meet these demands.

"I'm constantly blown away by our commitment to sustainable sampling. From innovative features that reduce product waste to partnerships with suppliers leading the charge in sustainable practices, I'm proud to say we're helping brands better connect with consumers, sample sustainably and make a real impact.”

Regulatory compliance. Staying ahead of environmental regulations ensures smoother operations, avoids potential fines or sanctions and helps you hit those important sustainability goals. 

Cost savings. Remember the 84kg reduction in carbon emissions we mentioned earlier, thanks to our Intelligent Order Processing technology? This also saved Benefit Cosmetics an estimated $5k in fulfillment fees. Fewer samples wasted on low-quality or irrelevant consumers means saving money on unnecessary shipping costs.

Using local suppliers and eliminating those cross-border delivery risks can also save you significant costs on redelivering any missing samples.

"I'm constantly blown away by [SoPost's] commitment to sustainable sampling.

"From innovative features that reduce product waste to partnerships with suppliers leading the charge in sustainable practices, I'm proud to say we're helping brands better connect with consumers, sample sustainably and make a real impact.”

— Iona Murray, SoPost

SoPost’s commitment to sustainability

At SoPost, sustainability is integral to our operations, not just in our product sampling solutions but across the board. 

We practice hybrid working to reduce commuting emissions, recycle IT equipment and have received Gold status by EcoVadis for our commitment to sustainability, placing us in the top 5% of all participants. We also have ambitious plans to further reduce our emissions by 2030.

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